*Members AGM – 2024


End Of Year Breakup and AGM 2024

Our end of year breakup social and AGM will be held on Saturday 7th December at 2pm in Drycraft West at the Box Hill Community Art Centre.

There will be a brief AGM which will include a president’s and treasurer’s report, election of office bearers for 2025 and the opportunity to discuss the program for next year.

The AGM  will be followed by afternoon tea and our popular painting competition.

Please bring along a painting and a plate of food to share.

This is a good opportunity for you to raise any issues that you have with the group and make suggestions for it’s improvement.

We have three requests:

1. Please come to the annual Break-up and AGM

2. Bring a plate and a painting

3. Consider joining the Committee.

We would like to build up our Committee. This is the group which makes it happen for everybody. Please consider pitching in.

Serving on the committee involves one meeting a month and any tasks for which you volunteer. It is a friendly group of people who relate well and communicate mainly via email outside meetings.

Please email Rod Maddock maddock333@gmail.com if you would like to nominate for the committee.