All members are welcome to attend the workshops on Wednesdays during each term, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in the Drycraft West Studio. The cost for most workshops is $6.00, paid on the day. The atmosphere is friendly and encouraging.
There are no tutors but demonstrations are sometimes scheduled at the workshop.
Life Drawing Workhop.
Once a month on Wednesday afternoon, 1:00 -3:00 pm (except February, April and December) an untutored Life Drawing Group meets at the Workshop. These workshops cost $20 to pay for the professional models. For further details see the Life Drawing page.
Portraiture Workshop
Once a month on Wednesday afternoon ( Except Feb, April and Dec.) an untutored portraiture group meets at the workshop. These will only cost $6.00 as we will not be using professional models. Participants will take turns in sitting. See the Calender for the dates.
Printing Workshop
The Group currently has a press for printing etchings, drypoint and other forms of artistic printing ( courtesy of Ray Jones ). Workshops in printing techniques are being planned and will be run during the Wednesday workshops. Details will be placed on the Groups notice board and on this site when arranged.